نواكشوط تنقل صواريخها إلى شمال البلاد وتمنع قنصل المغرب من دخول الكويرة

الوطن الأن17 أغسطس 2016آخر تحديث :
970426-N-5121B-002 Members of the opposing forces provide a strong sense of reality for Exercise Roving Sands '97 participants as they set up a SCUD missile site at Roswell, N.M., on April 26, 1997. More than 20,000 service members from all branches of the armed forces of the U.S., Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands are participating in Exercise Roving Sands Ô97. The exercise is designed to refine their skills in operations using an integrated air defense network of ground, missile and radar early warning systems combined with tactical fighter and bomber aircraft operating in a simulated high-threat environment. DoD photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Stephen Batiz, U.S. Navy.
970426-N-5121B-002 Members of the opposing forces provide a strong sense of reality for Exercise Roving Sands '97 participants as they set up a SCUD missile site at Roswell, N.M., on April 26, 1997. More than 20,000 service members from all branches of the armed forces of the U.S., Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands are participating in Exercise Roving Sands Ô97. The exercise is designed to refine their skills in operations using an integrated air defense network of ground, missile and radar early warning systems combined with tactical fighter and bomber aircraft operating in a simulated high-threat environment. DoD photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Stephen Batiz, U.S. Navy.

نشرت جريدة “المساء”، في صدر صفحتها الأولى خبر نقل موريتانيا لصواريخ من حدودها الجنوبية مع السنغال إلى حدودها الشمالية مع المغرب وذلك بناء على تعليمات أصدرها الرئيس الموريتاني محمد ولد عبد العزيز، وأضافت الجريدة أن السلطات الموريتانية منعت القنصل المغربي من دخول منطقة الكويرة بالتزامن مع العملية التمشيطية التي باشرتها القوات المغربية بالمنطقة العازلة المشهورة باسم “قندهار”.


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